
admin168admin168 2023-10-20 33 阅读 0 评论

Title: Making Shanghai the Next Backyard Garden


Shanghai, a city known for its towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and thriving economy, is also home to a surprising number of green spaces and gardens. With a little effort and vision, there are several things we can do to transform Shanghai into a beautiful backyard garden for residents and visitors alike.

Theme Parks and Outdoor Attractions

Shanghai already has a wide range of outdoor attractions, such as the iconic Yu Garden, Century Park, and Disney Resort. Expanding these attractions to include more natural wonders and incorporating sustainable technology could help to differentiate Shanghai from other cities. For example, Shanghai could create a large-scale botanical park with specialized exhibits dedicated to a particular Chinese region or type of plant. This not only provides residents with access to beautiful natural spaces, but it also attracts tourists interested in the unique flora of China.

Vertical Gardens and Rooftop Gardens

Another way Shanghai could become a garden paradise is by creating more vertical gardens and rooftop gardens. Urban designers and architects can incorporate green walls and vertical gardens into the design of buildings, while rooftop gardens can be added to existing buildings. Vertical gardens can provide aesthetic benefits, improve air quality, and offer additional space for urban farming, while rooftop gardens increase community engagement with urban green spaces.

Community Gardens

Community gardens are a great way to bring residents together and create space for urban agriculture. Shanghai could create more community gardens with accessible plots earmarked for residents to grow flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Community gardens foster community involvement, and citizens can learn valuable gardening skills and work as a team to produce nutritious food for themselves and those in need. Community gardens could also be used as education spaces to teach sustainable agriculture practices and thereby promote environmental awareness.

Sustainable Transportation and Walkability

Shanghai is known for its heavy traffic, but sustainable transportation initiatives like a shared bike program could provide citizens with an eco-friendly alternative to cars and buses. Additionally, promoting walkability within the city could enhance the greenness of the city and encourage residents to spend time outside. This would not only be good for the environment but would also promote a healthier lifestyle.


Creating a city that is both urban and green may seem like a daunting task, but there are many ways that Shanghai can become the next backyard garden. With a mixture of vertical gardens and rooftop gardens, educational community gardens, sustainable transportation, and walkability, we can make Shanghai an environmentally conscious and beautiful place to call home.

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